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AI-based personalized learning platform
SiliconCube provides educational services through AI to bridge the educational gap of various students as well as to improve individual academic achievement and provides an environment that satisfies both learners and instructors
Big data system flow for AI diagnosis/recommendation
1. Collect the actions learners perform on the education platform and store them in LRS (Learning Record Store).
2. The saved data is analyzed by the AI engine and provides feedback on the diagnosis and evaluation
of the learning situation.
3. Feedback from the AI engine is reflected and used to recommend content for users to learn and provide
learning guides.

Watching video

activity storing / Management

Data analysis
(AI engine)

Learning report
Video Recommendation
Learning guide

LMS (Learning Management System) is a system that manages online education and provides functions such as providing lecture materials, managing assignments and tests, and tracking learning progress. To put it more simply, it is a website that provides educational services. there is.
LRS (Learning Record Store) is a system that stores and manages learning records. Information such as what learning activities the learner did, when, where, and how the learner studied is recorded, and this is used for learning analysis and providing personalized learning.
SiliconCube's LAS (Learning AI System) is a system that maximizes learning effects by analyzing learning data stored in LRS using artificial intelligence technology and providing feedback on diagnosis/evaluation based on the analysis results. Functions such as personalized learning, learning analytics, intelligent tutoring, automated assignment grading and feedback, and learning material recommendations improve the learner's learning experience and improve learning effectiveness.
AI Diagnostics and Recommendation Process
Based on the development know-how accumulated through various global AI projects over the years, Silicon Cube provides a new educational environment construction service that is helpful to both students and teachers in the educational field.

Big data system for AI diagnosis and recommendation - LRS (Learning Record Store)
LRS Dashboard

ADL(Advanced Distributed Learning Initiative) Certification Passed

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